To be a global player for Non-GMO Soya Functional Proteins, Soya-Sunflower Lecithins & Phospholipids for food & nutritional supplements. To provide value for money by leveraging research and development.
Committed to the motto- Work. Create. Donate, conceived and practiced by our founder, Late Shrikishan Matlani, we work towards ethical wealth generation, judiciously utilized for the development of business, people and the society. We relentlessly work towards
reducing malnourishment among children & pregnant ladies while also helping farmers increase their yield, empowering them in turn, to be self-sufficient and economically stable.
Growth at Sonic is an outcome of a work ethos that stems from learning. Learning about new products, new technologies, markets, customers and needs. It is this passion to know more and dig deep that keeps helping us understanding customers and markets better. A great collective entity has been created by us through trust and ability to envision a superior tomorrow. We believe, markets and businesses will be defined and led by those, with the right intent, intellect and attitude to pursue sustainable growth through excellence.
We affirm to create unique
products. This, we would attain through a sustained process of innovation and indigenization. We will be a creative and thinking company that shall explore newer markets and better products with sustained efforts of product development and research.
Customer delight is our core philosophy. Customers drive our passion for innovative solutions and
help us deliver results that have a global bearing. In building lasting relations with customers, we will forge bonds for future successes.
We are dedicated to the highest level of quality in everything we do. Be it technology, people, systems
or processes; we keep raising
the bar for ourselves ensuring the best at all times.
We are accountable for consistent and sustainable
results by focussing on present and future
opportunities, eliminating obstacles internal & external. By recruiting ethical and talented people,
we inspire our teams to be accountable and pursue
excellence. As a team, we are led by a common goal to
deliver the best at all times.