De-oiled Soya Hipro Flakes – Toasted is obtained by using the best quality soyabean seeds as raw material. Soyabeans go through many processes as cleaning, conditioning, de-stoning, de-hulling, cracking, flaking, extracting and de-solventizing to get off-white coloured soya flakes. It is a high in protein and low fat product with higher protein dispersibility and is well known for its nutritional values.
Functional/Nutritional Properties:
Excellent source of plant protein
Provides high content of digestible protein
Maintains balance of essential amino acids
Excellent source of minerals and fibre
Imparts functional characteristics like emulsification & stabilizing, high water absorption in feed formulations
Beneficial for overall growth
High in calcium and iron
Improves feed conversion ratio
Improves palatability of feed
Shrimp feed, prawn feed, fish feed, poultry feed for broilers and layers, pet foods, big and ruminant feed & cattle feed