One of Sonic Biochem’s philosophies is to bring about a positive change in the society. This is where Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) comes to aid. When companies choose to do what is right not only for their bottom line but also for the benefit of the social order, it builds trust, raises awareness, and encourages social change.
In memory of our beloved Chairman, Late S. K. Matlani, we organized a Medical and Blood Donation Camp. The event saw the generous contribution of 73 blood units, with more than 200 people participated in the Medical Camp. The Camp offered a range of Medical Services, including Eye check- up, Physiotherapy, Dental Consultation, Cancer Awareness and Screening for Thyroid, Uric Acid Levels & Blood Sugar.
Sonic Biochem Extractions Pvt. Ltd. has benefited students from economically weaker sections, providing financial assistance exceeding Rs. 5 Lakh at the Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS).
We are excited to announce that the Women and Child Development Department in Obedullaganj has approved Sonic Biochem and the Shrikishin Matlani Charitable Trust to launch the Poshan Program, aimed at reducing child malnutrition.
On October 23, 2024, we conducted training for 15 Anganwadi centers in Mandideep.
Our CSR officer, Mr. Ganesh Dhote, provided insights on the soya food and nutrition program, addressing malnutrition, food groups, and the benefits of soya ingredients.
A step forward towards our Social Responsibility Sonic Biochem has renovated a Government Middle School and providing the basic facilities for students.
Taking responsibility of green environment under CSR Sonic has planted 1000 plants of Silver Oak.
This program has been accomplished with Border Security Force (BSF) and Indore Municipal Corporation at Bijasan Mata Tekari Indore.
Taking responsibility to help people we have provided following supports through various NGO and Government agencies in 20-21 and 21-22.
Sonic is taking responsibility to educate masses about benefits of soya food and promote soya food. We are conducting following activities: